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Friday, November 12, 2010

November 13 - World Kindness Day

I admit I wasn't too nice in my previous entry (sorry, just another human being venting therapeutic anger), I'll try to make-up for it by announcing something that might sound naively "cute" or profound depending on how it strikes you. It is what you make of it.

Tomorrow, the 13th of November is "World Kindness Day."


It's interesting to note that the movement that launched it is based in Singapore which is a melting pot of cultures and traditions (Chinese, Malay and Indian). Kindness is the minor version of tolerance and respect for one another, to be able to live harmoniously, no matter how different we are from one another.

Let's be extra-thoughtful, extra-grateful, extra-attentive to one another. Let's also be kind to Mama Earth herself. Try not to litter and conserve energy. Let's generate some random acts of kindness.

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